For the busy person who wants to stay connected to God throughout the week!

Posts tagged ‘spiritual connection’

A Weekly Mental Health Day

Dear Sabbath Seekers,

Every once in a while my husband would declare what he calls “A Flake Out Day” (FOD). Relax++Relaxation+Music This was a day to do just that…flake out.  He would call all of his friends and let them know he was declaring Friday as a FOD and if they were so inclined they could join him.  Often times as many as six or seven folks would join him for a day of R and R.  These days could include a movie marathon, a bookstore hopping day, a sipping tea and talking day or a day by a babbling brook. 

My daughter often talks about needing a mental health day (MHD) from her job and, intelligent woman that she is, she takes one.  Again, her MHD, is her way of allowing her soul to catch up with her body which has been going far too fast for far too long. 

God commanded us to take a weekly 24 hour Sabbath so that we would have time for our souls to catch up to our bodies and, in our inimitable wisdom, we have passed on that in order to work ourselves into one of the most unhealthy nations on earth, overload our schedules to the point of falling asleep at the wheel, and stress ourselves into the pharmaceuticals hands. 

Our ignorance of this command is not doing us any favors or any good.

What will it take for you to honor the Sabbath?  What if you took one 24 hour Sabbath a month to start with and then worked into a more intentional observance in time?  What would your Sabbath look like?  How would you structure the day?  Who would you invite to join you?  And, most importantly, after a few weeks of these days, how do you think you would feel? 

Are you sighing and saying “if only”?  If so, then change the sigh to an imperative question to your deepest and most real self…”why not?”  Then begin to make positive statements about how, when and who.  “I am taking a 24 hour Sabbath this week with my closest friend.  We are going to sit by the side of a lake, talk, read, eat and rest until the sun goes down.”  Make your own Sabbath plan.

Enjoy!  Be blessed!  Be rested and Be at peace.

Relaxation“He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside still waters, he restores my soul.”  Psalm 23.2-3b



Sabbath vs. Cyberspace

Dear Sabbath Seekers,

I just returned from a time away.  It had many elements of Sabbath in it.  There was quiet, good conversation, good food, God talk, joy, nature and laughter.  It was a time blessed in so many ways and the presence of God was tangible more than once.

Even though it was not designed to be a Sabbath, it reminded me of one as I stepped out of my normal routine and focused on all  those things that make up a time of rest, refreshment and renewal.

And I was struck, once again, about just how hard it is to totally withdraw from ‘routine’ and to avoid interruptions in the flow of experiencing Sabbath moments.

Why was I struck?  CONFESSION TIME:  I am addicted to the internet.  internet

There was not one 24 hour period within the 72 hours I was away that I didn’t check email, Facebook or text messages.  I know I have admitted this before so obviously, I have no intention of breaking this addiction – or so it seems.

And to cut myself some slack I didn’t go into the weekend intending to cut off contact with the world; however, what I realized is that there was nothing I read, texted or posted that was necessary, urgent, or changed anything in anyone’s life, including my own.  And yet, still, I connected and was sucked in.

So what did I learn?  First, those are 72 hours I will never get back.  Second, I made a conscious choice (although it is becoming an unconscious choice in many ways) to connect or respond.  Third, I could have been communicating with God during those internet interludes rather than folks in cyberspace.  Fourth, I have to acknowledge that I missed out on some spiritual connection for temporal connections.

Again, to cut myself some slack (I like to do that, don’t you?) there were significant God moments over those 72 hours – ones that surprised me; however, when I could have been more intentional about a Sabbath prayer connection, I wasn’t.

How about you?  Are you, like me, hooked in and connected on the internet when you could be unhooked from the world and connected to God when you have the chance to be?  As you enter into Sabbath Moments this week, leave the electronic devices behind and just be open to the spiritual connection that travels on a band width bigger than anything ATT or Verizon can offer.Cell phone woman

“When he came back to his disciples, he found them sound asleep.  He said to Peter, “Can’t you stick it out with me a single hour?” Stay alert; be in prayer so you don’t wander into temptation without even knowing you’re in danger.”  Mt. 26.40-41 The Message

