For the busy person who wants to stay connected to God throughout the week!

Happy New Year Sabbath

Dear Sabbath Seekers,


Are you making resolutions?  Or, have you given up? 

I find that I make resolutions on an ongoing basis and still fail to achieve them most of the time.  However, if you are thinking of upping your spiritual game this year, let me give you one of my resolutions.  Don’t force it. 

Too many people set themselves up to fail because they create a resolution that they really don’t want to do, but feel they should.  For example, “in 2016, I will spend 30 minutes a day in prayer and Bible reading” prayingis a great resolution if you like to sit quietly and contemplate.  If you don’t, then, oh boy, it isn’t going to be fun or successful. 

Instead, you may enjoy walking for 30 minutes each day so why not incorporate prayer and contemplation on the walk.  A peripatetic spiritual practice so to speak.  Or, maybe you enjoy the new adult coloring book phenomenon.  Why not incorporate your time with God with the coloring?  1155

The point is our spiritual lives, our time with God, should not be a drudgery to be endured but a festival to be enjoyed. (Someone said that once and I forgot who it was but know it isn’t original to me).  Be creative in finding ways to do your Sabbath moments, times with God or 24 hour Sabbath periods.  Make it something that you draws you in and nearer to God not something that puts distance between you and God. 

Now, that is a resolution that I can and plan to keep!

“As a deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.”  Psalm 42.1IMG_1878



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