For the busy person who wants to stay connected to God throughout the week!

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Sabbath Prep

Dear Sabbath Seekers,

726115044I just read an article on Sabbath wisdom that talks about taking steps to make Sabbath time holy time.  It lists a set of rituals done prior to and on Sabbath that elevates the time of Sabbath above ordinary rest to an intentional level of sacred space.

The author, Sara Schley, who has written Secrets of the 7th Day:  How Everyone Can Find Renewal Through the Wisdom and Practices of the Sabbath, lists ways to make preparation for Sabbath that include getting as much off your desk as possible prior to Sabbath but not taking any work home, tidying up the space in which you will spend your time and cooking ahead. 

?????Making sure your physical space actually provides a restful environment can bring you into the ambiance of Sabbath quickly.  Not having to look at a messy living room will calm your mind and you won’t be thinking about how much work you have to do – which could abort your Sabbath rest.  Music, candles, warmth and pleasing aromas help switch your mind from work to rest. spa relax

Once the physical environment has been primed to facilitate a Sabbath feeling, participating in some rituals can set the time apart from ordinary time. Some people offer a blessing of the wine or the food.  Blessing those who are present changes us and those who are blessed as we open ourselves up to seeing one another as beloved creations. 

relaxing-dayWhether you eat, listen to music, engage in conversation or take a nap the intention of every action is to change the tone of the gathering to one that beckons us to a deeper level of attention and awareness.

And, nothing, nothing, nothing is to be done – dishes or clean up.

The transition is complete until it is time to transition back into the every day world of work, hopefully 24 hours later.

Ahh…I’m ready to start my Sabbath right now. 

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24.15

